Why Is Asbestos Still A Health Problem?

Thu, Jan 29, 2015


Kathleen Ruff, RightOnCanada.ca

A Symposium, examining  Why Is Asbestos Still A Health Problem?, was held on December 12, 2014 at the Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark

The symposium was organised to mark the 50th anniversary of the landmark conference on asbestos, which took place in New York in 1964. The New York conference was seminal because it provided vital documentation that asbestos could cause deadly diseases such as asbestosis and cancers of the lung and lung lining.

The symposium noted that asbestos is still a health problem because the necessary prevention was thwarted by financial interests, by procrastination on the part of regulatory authorities and with scientific university institutes and physicians acting as collaborators. The symposium updated the story of asbestos in Denmark.

Below are links to three of the presentations available in English:

The other presentations are being translated into English. I will provide links to them, once they are available.


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